Ajagbe Ayodeji Ibadan, Nigeria Romelia: WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE UNDER-APPRECIATED NOVEL? Ajagbe Ayodeji: I don’t know. Everything I read is much appreciated. I guess the many Indie and small press authors out there. It’s a competitive world. Romelia: HOW DO YOU BALANCE MAKING DEMANDS ON THE READER WITH TAKING CARE OF THE READER? Ajagbe Ayodeji: The best way I can think of explaining this is to … Continuă să citești AUTHOR INTERVIEW 28


Sean Michael Paquet I am American, but I live in the Philippines Age 49 Romelia: WHAT IS THE MOST DIFFICULT PART OF YOUR ARTISTIC PROCESS? Sean Paquet: I don’t find anything complicated. I write as the story comes to me. If the magic is not there on that day or at that time, I do something else creative. Romelia: DOES YOUR FAMILY SUPPORT YOUR CAREER … Continuă să citești AUTHOR INTERVIEW 27


Maribel Roman Palm Beach Florida, USA 55 yrs old Romelia: WHAT IS THE MOST DIFFICULT PART OF YOUR ARTISTIC PROCESS? Maribel Roman: Convincing myself that someone wants to read what I write. Romelia: DOES YOUR FAMILY SUPPORT YOUR CAREER AS A WRITER? Maribel Roman: Yes. Romelia: IF YOU HAD TO DO SOMETHING DIFFERENTLY AS A CHILD OR TEENAGER TO BECOME A BETTER WRITER AS AN … Continuă să citești AUTHOR INTERVIEW 25

Viața de femeie

O nouă carte va fi publicată în curând. O carte despre viața de femeie. Cartea va include povestea mea, dar și poveștile câtorva femei curajoase. Milioane de gânduri care mă înnebunesc pur și simplu. Cele mai multe gânduri apar noaptea. Fix când am nevoie cel mai mult de somn, liniște și pace. Dacă în timpul zilei sunt ocupată cu alte milioane de gânduri, noaptea îmi … Continuă să citești Viața de femeie


Hugh Williams Caribbean decent residing in Md. Born in NY. Age 49 Romelia: WHAT IS A SIGNIFICANT WAY YOUR BOOK HAS CHANGED SINCE THE FIRST DRAFT? Hugh Williams: My book did not change since my first draft. It merely involved. It was a journalized process that evolved into a book. Romelia: WHAT PERSPECTIVES OR BELIEFS HAVE YOU CHALLENGED WITH THIS WORK? Hugh Williams: The thought … Continuă să citești AUTHOR INTERVIEW 24